Susan's Blog

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Vertical Eights

Natalia who bellydances and writes honestly about classes, practice, and performing, has tagged me to tell you 8 things you don’t know about me. I’ll bet those of you who have been reading for a while think you know all about me! Well, let’s see if I can come up with 8 new things.

1) I discovered that my publisher, Shambhala, does historical fiction, so I am getting my 16-year-old novel The Winter is Past ready to send to my editor. A few friends are reading it through for me. I wrote it while Max was in utero and then a tiny boy (which lasted for a few months).

2) I once went parasailing in the Bahamas and I hated every minute of it. Suspended by a string over the Vast, Mighty, and Shark-Infested? I don’t think so. But Ned loved it so much that I thought I would, too.

3) I never used to meet friends for drinks, not until my forties. Now it is one of my favorite things to do.

4) I am hoping to do an intro to bellydance workshop for special needs moms.

5) July 29 was our 7 year anniversary of living in this house, and it is the longest we have ever lived anywhere.

6) Parts of my house scare me, and I think that’s crazy, so I force myself to go and check on them every now and then (the triangle room on the third floor, the old kitchen in the basement, which houses the Silence of the Lambs room, an ancient butler’s pantry that is dark, webby floor-to-ceiling woodwork, and a mouse graveyard. I have only been in there a handful of times, usually when a plumber needs to show me something horrible). Then I pull the doors shut and run.

7) Ned and I haven’t made a party here in a few years. I don’t know why. I am considering throwing a big one for my 45th birthday this October.

8) I get jealous and competitive way too easily (more than you! nyah nyah)

I tag Max, Ned, (because I believe there’s always more you don’t know about a person), Resilient Mom, NancyBea (it’s been awhile), Body Impolitic, Laurentius Rex, and that’s all, folks.


“Intro to belly-dance for special needs moms”? COUNT ME IN!!! – TPeacock

— added by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 8:09 am

Well you’re right, those are a few newbies. I had no idea you were a big scaredy cat too.

Big party for the birthday sounds like a great plan – maybe you could host it in the triangle room! Face those fears like every good little American should.


— added by mcewen on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 9:31 am

Basements are creepy. Sharks are scary. Drinks with friends are fun.

Glad Nat is calmer, and your pedicure sounds cute.

Back from vacation, but my mind is still on the beach.

— added by Lisa on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 5:05 pm

Thanks for the tag. I must admit, I too did the parasailing thing in Acapulco umpteen years ago. The scary thing was, they couldn’t get me down…..definitely an indelible sense memory.
Have a party! My humble advice is derived from the fact that there are about 10 stellar moments in life…given that we have a few lemons on the way….PARTY!

— added by Robin H. Morris on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 7:14 pm

I’d love to see pictures of the scary parts of your house. We actually found a room we didn’t know we had after we lived here for three years. Crazy.
I wonder, why do you say “we made a party”? I’m used to hearing “We gave a party” or “We had a party” even, God help us, “We threw a party.” I’ve heard people talk about making a party a couple of times and it sounded quaint and Old World-ish.

— added by Palmer on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 7:14 pm