Susan's Blog

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

And Now A Word From The Goddess

Here is a little piece of Heaven that floated my way, from a certain website that is my Enabler

Many of you who read this blog perhaps feel disappointed or frustrated by the breaks I take from autism, advocacy, etc. I am diseased-to-please, so I feel bad about disappointing people. I’ve always been that way, from birth.

So why can’t I just keep it to myself? Because I just crave the written word. I feel such a pink, sugary pleasure just by writing about bellydance. If I could, I’d always be doing it, I’d be much better at it, I’d perform, etc., etc. It just takes my mind and wraps it in pink satin and chiffon.


I think it’s wonderful that you write about other parts of your life. My blog isn’t all about autism, either…but then again, neither am I. Keep writing, and dancing, and teaching, and sharing. I love to read it all.


— added by Julie on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 8:37 pm

Oh my God you need to get married again so you can wear that! It’s beautiful. Sugar Plum fairy meets the dance of the seven veils! We all need an outlet. We need more than autism 24/7. Some days I take 3, even 4 minutes away from autism! (Teasing, I even blogged my own little break today.)

Enjoy the costume.

— added by Kim Rossi Stagliano on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 9:26 pm

Write about any damned thing you want.

I’ll still read it.

And that cossie is to DIE for!

— added by Drama Mama on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 10:26 pm

Coming over right now to try it on. 🙂

Gorgeous! And never apologize for the belly blogging. I love it! So cool…

— added by Judith U. on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 10:31 pm

Unlike Judith, I am not on my way over to try it on. However, I agree completely with Drama Mama. Write about any damned thing you want.

The title of this blog is “Susan’s Blog,” not “All Autism, All the Time.”

Sure, you write about autism often because Nat happens to be autistic. The subject is a major factor in your private and professional life. But you’re also a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an author, a friend, a bellydancer, and a woman.

You’re not one dimensional. Write about wherever your mind and fingers take you.

— added by Don on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 7:20 am

I love whatever you write, don’t feel compelled to write about autism 24/7, it’s everything that makes you you that we enjoy reading about. Take care lady! I think the outfit is beautiful! But I can’t help but say I wouldn’t mind seeing Don in it!!

— added by Mom on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 7:53 am

It’ll be a cold day in Hell when I put it on, or when Susan writes an original and insightful post about the pros and cons for the Patriots running a 4-5 defense against the Jaguars.

Neither will ever happen . . . but I appreciate the enthusiasm.

— added by Don on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 4:31 pm

I was just going to say in my very next blog post that the Patriots simply must do the 4-5 defense against those Jaguars (are they a British team?); it is so obvious that that would be better than a 4-5 offense. Why give offense, when you don’t have to? So there, Don. Now you have to put on that cossie.

— added by Susan Senator on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 4:36 pm

Don’t forget to manscape Don, too much chest hair detracts from the bodice.

I concur with all these wise folks, write what you want. You know I don’t consider dancing to be among my skills, but I’d wear any of your cossies, just hanging out. I, like a million other girls wanted to live in Jeannie’s bottle and sport belly jewelry without scaring the general public.

You rock Susan.

— added by lisa on Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 12:59 pm