Susan's Blog

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Exceptional Review

Here are some excerpts from the Exceptional Parent Magazine review of my book. I am thrilled to receive such praise from that venerable magazine, which gave me my start as a journalist back in 1997. Go get a copy (of my book and EP!) and after you read it, tell me what you think; I am already brewing the next book.

“So many new autism-related books are on the market that it’s impossible to review them all; which made pinpointing this month’s selections a bit difficult. After careful consideration, we chose these two—one for parents, one for kids—for their genuineness, readability and unique insights.”

“This book is undoubtedly one of the best I’ve read on raising a child with autism. The author has an authentic way of inviting the reader to look at all sides of an issue and gain a broader perspective of what it means to live in a family affected by autism, without ever sounding too clinical, preachy or victimized. Senator’s believable writing style, personal experience and ability to blend the different viewpoints of other parents makes The Autism Mom’s Survival Guide as real as it gets.”

“Senator does a terrific job of helping parents move from feelings of helplessness and shame to greater detachment and a sense that they are doing the best they can, and that that is enough.”

“The section on coping with judgment and criticism is particularly helpful.”

“Another great chapter offers ideas about how to have fun with your child—not just keep him occupied—something that is often overlooked in how-to books of this nature. Senator also shares some wonderful advice about taking care of yourself, finding innovative ways to improve your love life (yes, that’s important, too!), and move beyond the “you and me against the world” mentality that can stifle a parent’s desire to venture among “regular” parents and kids.”


Susan, I wish that I had this book when Michael was diagnosed four years ago this month. I hope it helps a lot of parents. Thank you for sharing so much.

— added by Michaels Mom on Saturday, April 3, 2010 at 9:17 pm

Got the book yesterday! I started reading it this morning and I’m already finding gems of wisdom in it.

— added by Kirsten on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 10:00 am

I’m reading the book. If all you get from me in the next few weeks is, “Oh, I donated it to my mothers of twins club library and have ordered another copy,” then that will mean I thought it was good enough to spread around ASAP.

— added by Julia on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 10:43 am