Nat is always hungry, and he loves the seder, so he waited at the table for some time, before it began. |
My cousin Nick is a darling. |
My cousin Emily is, too! |
Surveying the scene. |
The kiddos gaming. |
Eggs are a symbol of life, and delicious, and so they are part of the meal. |
Mom's great idea was to set up the seder elements on each person's (throwaway) plate! Brilliant! |
Dad presides. |
Begin with a prayer over the lights, spoken, in Hebrew, by Nat. |
Now, a prayer of gratitude. |
My grandmother's antique salt shakers (and her china)! |
Uncle Gerard is explaining one of the Ten Plagues: boils! |
Triple Cuteness: right to left, Hannah, Kimmie, and Hidden Benj. |
Everybody searches for the Aphikomen: the hidden piece of matzah. |
Jessica feels relaxed and happy, but we just opened the door for Elijah, the spirit of generosity, and Nick and Emily are hoping to see him! |
Suddenly, a strange light flooded the room...was it Elijah? Nah, just the flash. Or was it? |
We are all enjoying the song "Chad Gad Yoh," which means "One Kid," and is about a string of events that tie into one another... oy! You'd better just Google it. |
Ahh, dessert! |
Chag Sameach! Happy Holiday! |