Susan's Blog

Saturday, November 5, 2005

Dr. Roger Alan Bauman

Dr. Roger Alan Bauman has died. He was husband to Dr. Margaret Bauman, who is our son’s neurologist, the very first to actually use the “a” word (autism) when referring to Nat’s issues. A very brave and wise woman, she is a hero across the world for her pioneering work in autism research, but perhaps even more for her humor and gentle touch with our very sensitive children. My heart goes out to her as she grapples with the loss of her husband.

As part of the obituary notice in the Boston Globe concerning Roger Bauman, has an online comment book for Roger where persons can post online messages. Friends and colleagues of the family can post messages. It would mean a lot to Roger’s family.

Please say a prayer and visit the book for Dr. Roger Bauman.

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