Susan's Blog

Monday, December 11, 2006

When Good Things Happen To Boring Weekends

Good Things That Happened To Me This Weekend
1) Saw an old friend and her almost 4 year old boy, who is just the cutest thing on two legs (the boy is cute, too! ha ha)
2) Beastie went to a monster-glo-in-the-dark mini golf birthday party and cemented a friendship as a result. He hated the mini golf, however. “It wasn’t glow in the dark because of the stupid disco ball.”
3) Made a new friend who is also in politics in my town.
4) Baked oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies with Nat, who requested that I put the eggs into the dry ingredients so that he could just eat the butter-sugar combo mix without raw eggs! Well, he didn’t say all that, but I was impressed that he instinctively shies away from salmonella-inducing activities.
5) Did not eat above cookies.
6) Swiffered the house. Ok, snore! But I am a (hot) hausfrauer and these things must get done!
7) Made our holiday card. Took around thirty pics of the five of us on the white couch, with nice shirts on. I may have had a little too much makeup on, you decide:
8) Wrote about 4 pages of my sample chapter, (I am now close to ten) so The Proposal is almost ready to go to my agent!
9) Did not work out except to dance Saturday night and my knee hurts anyway! What does that mean? Don’t even think to tell me to stop belly dancing; you might as well tell me to stop smelling Benji’s hair.
10) Got invited to do a keynote in Sioux Falls!!! Real travel! (Not until June).
11) Got very close to finishing the whole holiday shopping thing.
12) Have a great present idea for Ned! A really great SLR camera. He has a new hobby because of his new job, which is — okay, shameless plug, but for those of you who don’t know and have not signed up — a new way to do digital photo sharing and also make actual paper products with your digital photos. So much more elegant than anything else out there (way better than AOL photo album, Flickr, Picasa).
13) Saw a bit of Max because he had no plans for Sunday! He is still a sweetheart, and so funny. He played a great Black Eyed Peas song for me and I downloaded it from iTunes (“Pump It”). He was really pleased that I liked it! (It will be a great workout addition.) I knew that inside that big man somewhere was my darling little Maxie!
14) Went food shopping so I don’t have to do it today! Plus had all the big men in the house carry the crap inside so I didn’t have to! Wonderful living in Land of the Giants. Forgot to buy Ned hard salami, however. (or was that something about “hide the salami?” that he said?)

The real us:


I like the before and after shots. Or are they the after and before 🙂

— added by Anonymous on Monday, December 11, 2006 at 9:03 am

I like the fun shot, myself. A handsome family, lucky you!

— added by susan on Monday, December 11, 2006 at 2:47 pm

Nice pictures!

Hey, guess what I just got in the mail!
My grandpa sent me an article from something “Weekly”.
And it was about you!

— added by peer model on Monday, December 11, 2006 at 5:08 pm

Great pics – serious and fun! Use them both for front and back. The makeup is fine!

— added by Anonymous on Monday, December 11, 2006 at 8:14 pm

Over the years, do you grow more fond of Nat’s biting the bottom lip smile? Chance does the same thing. Not every time, but it seems to be a signature. Sioux Falls is only seven hours from me 😀

— added by mrs. gilb on Monday, December 11, 2006 at 9:48 pm

I wish I could take Beastie to the mini golf place I’ve been to relatively recently where it does a better job of glowing in the dark. 🙂 (I bet he’d clean my clock, too!)

— added by Julia on Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at 8:48 pm