Susan's Blog

Monday, February 11, 2008


Feh! G’nick! Dayenu! Uncle!
Enough with the ugly winter, already.

I’m ready for it to go off now. Did that fat rodent see her shadow, or what? Yesterday, ironically on the way to my Egyptian bellydance class, we had weather fit for a Pharaoh. First, there were flakes the size of feathers coming down; thunder; then, bright sunshine and I even had to turn off my heat.

Went to class, (learned this really neat pivot-turn-turn-turn thing and new bouncy C of a hip walk) and when I came out — blizzard conditions! This being Central Square, Cambridge, there were all kinds of mean-and-nasty bits strewn all over the streets, blowing in the idiot wind. You had to duck to avoid being pelted with rocks and garbage. And tiny, hard snow peas.

CONTEST: If you can correctly identify and explain origins of all six of the famous cultural references from the 60’s – 80’s in the above paragraph, I will make a limerick out of your name in an upcoming blogpost, or some such tribute. No fair googling.

By the time I got to Chestnut Hill to pick up Nat from his movie, bright shining sun lit up the newly whitened trees. The sky had the heavy lavender — fake lighting look of a late August sky.

Except it was still $#%Q$# February!!!!!


We nearly froze coming out of church yesterday, it was definitely winter shaking his fist at us. I didn’t get ANY of the references, so no limerick for me.

— added by Mom on Monday, February 11, 2008 at 8:10 am

It’s painful. Make it stop. The wind. The cold. My dog doesn’t even want to go out in it…

— added by Judith U. on Monday, February 11, 2008 at 10:38 pm

Hi- I just wanted to let you know that I just finished your book… and now of course I am reading your blog… I am a student here in Boston and work with two boys on the spectrum… thank you for writing such a wonderful book! -Ana (senior at Wheelock College)

— added by upperwestsider on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 12:10 am

Hi Susan, I am going to stupidly ask – was this “contest” for real? I am more interested in the answer than the prize, but I confess to revisiting this post a couple of times to see if there was an answer. (ya…I know…long winter…I need to get a life..)

— added by Grant on Monday, February 25, 2008 at 8:12 am

Hi Grant:
Went to class, (learned this really neat pivot-turn-turn-turn thing and new bouncy C of a hip walk) and when I came out — blizzard conditions! This being Central Square, Cambridge, there were all kinds of mean-and-nasty bits strewn all over the streets, blowing in the idiot wind. You had to duck to avoid being pelted with rocks and garbage. And tiny, hard snow peas.

The first one is “mean-and-nasty,” from Arlo Guthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant.” The second is “Blowing in the Wind,” combined with the third, “Idiot Wind,” both from Bob Dylan. And the fourth is, “They pelted us with rocks and garbage,” a favorite quote from the Letterman show in the early ’90s. Thanks for being interested!

— added by Susan Senator on Monday, February 25, 2008 at 5:26 pm

Oh, also, “turn-turn-turn,” is a song by The Byrds. And “A bouncy C” is a quote from SCTV.

— added by Susan Senator on Monday, February 25, 2008 at 5:27 pm

Thank You!
I should have guessed the SCTV ( I didn’t think the show ever made it south of Canada )and for sure I missed the David Letterman cue.
Take care…keep writing!

— added by Grant on Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 9:17 am