Susan's Blog

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Les Joies de ma Vie

Watching Nat play basketball
Listening to Ned tell a story
Listening to Ned laugh
Watching my hair stylist do her fantastic blow-out on my hair
Watching B draw, with tip of tongue pressed againstteeth
Watching Max smiling the 1,000 watt smile at H
Hearing from a long lost friend
Finishing a 3-mile run in a decent time
Hearing the joyful “Nat!” greeting from the entire team when we finally arrived at the State Games today
Watching when B gets a sophisticated joke
Getting an idea and writing something great from it
Seeing how Max’s friends have grown up
Making a really great eggplant parmesan for a dinner party tonight
Having four gorgeous dresses to choose from for the Library Gala tomorrow night
Making Laura laugh
Being comforted by Mom
Hearing Dad say, “Proud of you, as always”
Realizing I really am a bellydancer
Anticipating my agent’s excitement about the new book
Hearing from the New York Times about a piece I wrote
Watching a movie that I like with my boys

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