Susan's Blog

Saturday, August 9, 2008


If you are a geek, you should buy this tee shirt.

Nat is home, and it’s really, really good.

I rode my bike a lot today, some of it with my best friend.

I have a job interview on Monday, to teach at a local college.

I am going to teach three after school classes at Ben’s school this fall: Baby Bellies, Big Beautiful Bellies (moms and staff at the school) and Newspaper writing for Middle Schoolers.

I bought lots of colored paper to continue doing the PTO newsletter.

The sun is finally out.

I had a lovely chat with my neighbors.

Ben volunteered to go with me to pick up Nat.

Bought Nat running shoes just like mine. Felt I had to explain to kind salesman why I was answering all the questions and tying his shoes. I eventually said, “He’s autistic, but he’s quite a runner!” Should not have said, “but.”

I am off my diet, and loving it.

Met with a writing friend and got some focus for the new book.

Ned’s cute.


life is good, my dear. life IS good. so, so good to hear.

— added by jesswilson on Saturday, August 9, 2008 at 5:57 pm

So you said “but” when you meant to say “and.” Big deal. Are you supposed to think about every single comment you make before you make it because you fear you may in some unintentional way possibly denigrate your son? C’mon. Please don’t give things like this a second thought.

— added by Sharon L. on Saturday, August 9, 2008 at 11:26 pm