Play-Doh turns 50 this year. Unlike most things, that does not make me feel old. I guess because I don’t really believe it. How can Play-Doh have an age? Wasn’t it always around? I always had some on hand, literally, and when it was on my hands, I would eat it. Why not? It said, “Non-toxic” right there on the little yellow barrel. If it was not meant to be eaten, why make it non-toxic and more importantly, why make it so tasty? Also, who could resist those colors? Is there anything as delicious and sensuous as the brand new cylindrical wedge of Play-Doh fresh from the can, unsullied by fat little hands, the mouth-watering bits of drier pieces clinging to its smooth sides?
They are apparently coming out with a pack of 50 colors in honor of this birthday. Ned wisely asked, “What’s the point? They’ll all be brown in the morning!” But you know, there is a point. Just because the joyful purity of color is ephemeral, doesn’t mean it is not worth having for that brief moment.
Hoping the manufacturer will celebrate this great anniversary by bringing out a gluten-free version for our kids with celiac disease. Crayola Model Magic is good stuff, but not the same.
Yes, there are fond memories of Play-Doh!
wow. 50 years old. amazing! i love the comment about it all being brown the morning! glad to know it happens at every other house!
and, by the way, they do have a gluten free brand! Colorations makes it and it works beautifully!
“What’s the point? They’ll all be brown in the morning!”
But you can’t miss that brief (10-20 minute) moment where they are all mixed and psychedelic, right before they actually become purple-ish brown. It’s like a haleakala sunrise.