Yesterday I took Max and Benj to the fabric store to buy a bolt of neon green cloth. They were planning to craft a green screen, which is used as a backdrop in filmmaking when you want to shoot something with zero background. We bought about 7 yards, which I then tore in half and sewed the long way to make it very large. Then the playroom was completely rearranged, which gave me an opportunity to pick up huge dust bunnies and repot a plant. They are planning on using this room, with the fabric stretched across the back: (In this photo the Today Show crew is filming Nat being Nat but you can see the large bay behind him.) Max is going to make a sequel to the final Star Wars,
and he is currently working on the script. In a rare voluble moment, he told me that he and his friend Yaz will star and direct this episode, which will take place hundreds of years after Episode 6 (which I believe is the Ewok one, which people like me think of as Episode 3). Max tells me that he and Yaz will both be bad guys, but the problem is, for Max this means that they will have to die in the end, (the bad guys must die, he says) and he doesn’t want to die. I asked him why be bad in that case? They just find it more interesting, he told me.
I suppose that for some of us, being bad is sometimes more interesting than being good?
Ben keeps asking what his role will be in the movie, and Max is barely civil in his response. Is there anything less cool than a little brother trying to be cool? Just breaks my mushy mommy’s heart.
1 comment
Maybe you have a future Steven Spielberg on your hands!
I love that picture of the boys. I never got along with my brother and could never imagine hugging him long enough to have a picture snapped. They’re both very good looking boys!