Susan's Blog

Friday, July 21, 2006

Hip’s Not Spry

(Sung to the tune of “Hips Don’t Lie,” by Shakira)

More whining…

Never knew my knee could make me feel so ill
It makes a woman want to take Advil
I want my Mama
My Papa
Should rest in mi casa

Oh body when you act like this
You make this woman go mad
I’m in — midlife crisis
I better — go ice this
And start reading the signs of my body

Oh I’m in pain tonight
My hip’s not spry
And my knuckles are turning white
But if I go
Real slow
Will it still hurt me like so?

Not a girl,
But I really got my body moving
Now it’s driving me crazy
And I
Didn’t have the slightest idea
Until I started belly dancing
And when I woke up from the dance floor
Nobody could ignore the way I’ve been kvetching
And all this pain’s so unexpected — the way it keeps on throbbing
Yet I just keep on shaking it.

Never knew a workout could be so much fun
Unless you count my Cape Cod run
No way I’m stoppin’
Motrin I’m poppin’
Makes me feel better than shoppin’

You know I ran today
It hurt so much that I couldn’t finish, no way
But tomorrow
I’ll still go
Baby I’m an Exercise Fanatico

Such temerity
Now you got to go to
Physical therapy

No whining!


ahhhh, yes…the diet is the last thing some look at, no? does your hip crave organic whole wheat or something?

— added by mrs. gilb on Saturday, July 22, 2006 at 12:58 am

hey mrs. gilb, how are you?
yeah, of course my hip craves organic whole wheat! I had some yesterday, in fact, a low carb slice. 🙂

— added by Susan Senator on Saturday, July 22, 2006 at 8:14 am

i know, i know…when you get older, you are just that..and if you get a kink in your neck or your hip it just wants to pay a nice long visit. i guess i just feel bad for you because you put such a good effort into being in shape. i am 32 and not in so good of shapes. so i admire such determination, my friend. i am also guessing that your blood type isn’t A positive? i hear and read that that is the vegetarian craving blood…and coconut cake…and brownies…mmm…

— added by mrs. gilb on Saturday, July 22, 2006 at 10:27 am