Susan's Blog

Sunday, December 3, 2006

What a great time I had last night! Ned and I went with friends to Tangierino, that beautiful restaurant in very cool Charlestown (where the Bunker Hill memorial stands) where they have belly dancing. This restaurant has so much atmosphere, with each booth draped in ruby-colored gauze, tiny lights, and beads, and the walls covered with moorish shapes and exotic paintings, and the food is wonderful, that we wanted to go back. (We had gone for our 22nd anniversary in July, too.)

The belly dancer was the same one we saw in July. She was very beautiful and had that impossibly smooth, plump and juicy skin of the young-and-never-pregnant. She moved slowly down the aisle with dollar bills stuck inside her sparkly green outfit, which I think is so unfortunate because it really detracts from the whole look.

Anyway, she was very skilled; this time I could analyze what she was doing. She did some very good ab undulations and moved gracefully, but not much hip work and almost no zills (finger cymbals). We were all very taken with the whole thing.

I had a lamb, feta, eggplant, and carmelized fig & apricot dish (Sultan’s Kadra) and we shared a white-and-dark chocolate mousse cube (!) and some good coffees. Fantastic!


Hello Susan,

Thanks for the comment on my website. I agree with you on the dollar bill thing. I think it is not very tasteful. I’d rather have a box out where customers can put tips if they so wish.

Nice website by the way! It’s nice to meet another belly dancer online!

— added by Cinthia on Sunday, December 3, 2006 at 8:17 pm

That place looks fantastic!!

— added by Anonymous on Sunday, December 3, 2006 at 9:25 pm