Susan's Blog

Monday, May 3, 2021

That Night I Smoked Weed With Nat

Please enjoy my latest piece in Psychology Today! I’ll try to blog more from now on!


Susan, I love this SO MUCH. We have been using medicinal marijuana for two years with our daughter and it was life changing for her.

— added by Susan on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 10:41 am

I just came across some of your writing and I am so glad to hear I’m not the only person to feel the exact same way as you. Cannabis has always helped me through some hard times and with my anxiety and always wondered if it could help my adult autistic son. I would love to get him off the big pharma meds. How has it helped your wonderful son and and odd side effects? (The munchies and giggles don’t count lol)

— added by William Bahan on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 11:02 pm