Susan's Blog

Monday, December 4, 2006

Book Talk

I have mentioned that my Special Olympics book idea was not going anywhere. I could not pull it out of my heart, and my Kennedy connection is currently tied up with a lot of his own work, so it appears that it is not the time for that book.

However — I have come up with a new idea that is based on an old one. I have been working on chapter headings and descriptions, as well as parts of the new proposal. I sent this little bit to my agent, who is no longer an agent but is able to be mine for a bit longer.

My agent LOVES my new project idea! You have to understand, she hardly loves anything!!!! She is a curmudgeon, with a heart of gold, but she is a tough New York chick so I always get chewed out when I send her stuff. (“Are you sure this wasn’t already done by so-and-so?” and “The title is flat” and “Are you absolutely sure that every word here is your absolute best writing? No laziness!”)

I sent her the chapter headings and descriptions and she actually wrote back within a few days, using words like “GREAT” and “FANTASTIC” and “YOU’VE DONE IT!!!”

Now the work begins — and for me that is not the writing of the thing but the marketing analysis of the proposal. I have to spend days doing research and going to bookstores to analyze the competition and making my case. But — I already have 20 pages of the proposal, because the “Why me/about the author” section was very easy. I already have a publicity record because of Making Peace With Autism, which is out in paperback, a fact that speaks very well for my marketability. (By the way, Making Peace With Autism would make an excellent gift for extended family members, neighbors, teachers, doctors, lunch ladies, bus drivers, friends; anyone who doesn’t quite “get it” about autism but would like to. It is primarily a hopeful book, honestly written, not depressing, and nobody gets cured in the end, except me, of my autism myopia! It is not prescriptive, but rather, descriptive).

Once I’ve handed in the proposal (probably by the new year) I will go public with the idea and ask for your help because I want to make sure that this book matches the needs of parents with kids with disabilities.

So, stay tuned…
And buy my paperback! Heck, buy two! It’s cheap enuf.
BTW, the opening line about Nat’s birthday has been subtly changed… to be more fair to him, my sweet boy.


Is that the book idea I didn’t like? Oops, sorry – see what do I know 🙂

Good vibes from the agent is great!

— added by Anonymous on Monday, December 4, 2006 at 11:09 am

Now, Guy, don’t be that way —
trust me! It is not the book idea you didn’t like. I shifted that one a bit; the “fun” component is still there, minus the “midlife” aspect… I’ll e- you soon.

— added by Susan Senator on Monday, December 4, 2006 at 11:43 am

Wow! I am really ready to read another one of your books, so get cracking…

— added by susan on Monday, December 4, 2006 at 12:09 pm