Susan's Blog

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ich Bin Eine Balabusta

Remember when I said I am not a hausfrau? Well guess what? I think I really am. I feel so good right now because I cleaned my house! What’s more, I did not do all the work! I had each boy dust his own room, plus Nat did some extra dusting downstairs and I did not even tell him to do it!!!! It is the Swiffer that I have to thank. The Swiffer is a trend that is sweeping the nation! (Okay, I stole that joke from Dane Cook, only mine is not X-rated!) But really, the reason I like the Swiffer is that I just give a boy a cloth and it picks up dust, no chemicals to worry about on their precious hands. Then I go over it with a Pledge-soaked wipe, at least the areas that people will see, plus I like the smell of the Pledge.

Then Nat did his blog post, telling me in his own Sweet Guy way that he was sick of seeing me walk around in my PJs, and that it was time to get dressed. Mr. Routine! You could set your clocks by Nat! And he’s a Scorpio, in addition! So, before showering, I Tilexed the shower! Unfortunately, now I have Tilex in my nose, that I can’t seem to get rid of, so I made some decaf in the hopes of eradicating those fumes. Where is the Cat in the Hat when you need him? Plus Little Cat Z, of course!

I think it is so funny — and no accident — that the Yiddish word for “good housewife” is balabusta, which sounds like “ballbuster!” As Marie Antoinette may have (should have) said in reply to her famous husband’s quip: “La Balabusta, C’est Moi.”


I saw the post.

I myself am guilty of that today!

I like the fluffy Swiffer dusters best of all. With the long-handled one, I can dust the blades of the ceiling fans safely.

So I need to get dressed and then I need to fix lunch for little ones.

— added by Julia on Thursday, December 28, 2006 at 12:25 pm

I LOVE the swiffer!! It makes the haufrau job a little bit easier especially since I have one child allergic to dust!

— added by Mary Beth on Thursday, December 28, 2006 at 4:09 pm

We love the Swiffer duster. You should get the Swiffer Vac. It works great on ceramic tile and hardwood floors.

— added by Anonymous on Thursday, December 28, 2006 at 10:12 pm