Susan's Blog

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sweet Birthday

Yesterday was Benji’s 9th birthday. It was also Laura’s. All this nachas, and yet I was very, very anxious, and then sad. I felt mostly like I did not know what to do to make it a special day for Benji, who is so particular about what he likes and doesn’t like. He just wanted to build his new Lego sets, nothing else. I tried to rent a Moonbounce, but it was too short notice.

The day picked up after Ben finished his huge Lego set, a sand crawler from Star Wars, and then Ned and I took a nap together, fingers touching. This bit of physical comfort was “like a witamin,” as my Polish grandma used to say. I woke up feeling so much better, and ready to make a cake. Below is the finished product, and the end of the day, which was a good one, strange morning mood notwithstanding.

Tabblo: Ben's Birthday Cake


You look very gorgeous in that last picture! (Not that you don’t, normally, of course!) But I just <3 you hair and shirt, and you look so happy. :)

Nine, wow! Now you’ll blink and he’ll be 18. My youngest sister just celebrated her 15th birthday and I honestly cannot believe it.

Oh and I know I said thank you for the email before, but thank you again…. and just so you know, that help is two sided, and of course I’m here too if you want to be dark and moody back. It helps sometimes to be dark and moody with others who understand the pit o’ depression. Just saying.

Sorry for the rough weekend too… poor Nat. We all live for those two days of rest, relaxation, having more time with our loved ones, and he just longs for the structure of the work/school week.

— added by I Wax Poetic on Monday, March 26, 2007 at 3:44 pm

You are so young (in your twenties, right?) but so wise! Thanks for your kindness, as always.

— added by Susan Senator on Monday, March 26, 2007 at 3:48 pm

I wish I could claim wise. Far from it! Yes, I’m 22.

— added by I Wax Poetic on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 at 2:18 pm