Susan's Blog

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Going BLah-less

I am feeling a little better today. I appreciated all the comments on my previous post, encouraging me to go ahead with our original plan, and one person, I think is was Em’s Mom (lucky Em!) suggested I send an aide along with Natty Boy/Man. So I’m asking his teachers, but of course that would mean they would have to take off a week of work. D’oh. I need to find some good respite types again, since I am no longer relying on Mr. Maxi Million, who got so spooked last time.

It’s just that I am not thrilled with the Colorado thing, either. I don’t want to offend anyone, it’s just that it’s not my favorite culture. Although I love, love, love the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, and read them something like four times, including once to Max. I love the clothes of the West, the bustiers and the cowboy hats and boots, and I love horseback riding. But — when I look for places to stay, for the most part they are unexciting kinds of motel 8. I want a gorgeous resort so that I can feel pampered, and I want Max to have WiFi. Does anyone know of beautiful places to stay in the towns of Salida, Pueblo, and Durango? Aspen was not a problem; it was too expensive, in fact!

(There’s no pleasing me. I want things “just in the middle,” Do you know that joke? All I remember is the punchline: “Lady, kiss my *ss. Not too much to the left, not too much to the right, but Just In The Middle!”)

What I really, really want to do is take the boys to Greece, to Santorini, that amazing place with the white buildings going up the mountain and the blue sky and the Aegean Sea. But — not this year, I guess.

Seriously, I welcome suggestions of things to do, but only in Colorado. I do not want to stray further than 4 hours from Nat during that week, aide or not. Oh, Sweet Guy!!!!!!!

Also, no more advice on how I need to let go and let him breathe, my dears. I will NOT be doing that any time soon. That is my hardest life lesson: letting go. And that boy is very, very tenacious. And I’m a Jewish Mama!!!

***********TOTAL BLOG SUBJECT DISCONNECT****************************

I love Wednesdays because there is a lot of bellydance. I have the morning class at my gym, with a young and lithe teacher; and my evening class with my original teacher and my new bellydance buddy, L. L is like a dream come true. She is tall, gorgeous, about the same level as me at bellydance, she has a kid and is nearly my age. She is kind, openhearted, generous, and lots of fun. So I am totally psyched for class tonight and the Middle East afterwards with L and another dancer we know. I could use the break from planning this trip!

This post was poorly written and perhaps kind of idiotic. I apologize.


I just had to say this again…..

please do not go to Pueblo.

— added by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at 7:46 pm

oh-and Telluride. 2 hours from Durango. lots of posh movie star places to hang there. Stunning.

ok-I will stop now.


— added by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at 7:49 pm

I’ve checked my comments and I do not see an Anon telling me not to go to Pueblo. I have to ask: why? It is close to Comanche National Grasslands. Can you email me privately if you don’t want to make it a public comment? Thanks.

— added by Susan Senator on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at 7:49 pm

Don’t stop! I want to know!!! I need to know all about Colorado.

— added by Susan Senator on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at 7:52 pm

Ok then-you must not have gotten my first comment. It is fine-I do not mind making it a public comment. I just don’t have a blogger account set up so soemtimes I do not type in the letters correctly. ANYHOW-trust me-you would be so bored in Pueblo. I mentioned that if you drive about 30 or so miles further up I-25-you could stay in the Springs, and go to the Broadmoor. It is spectacular. There are a few things to do in Colorado Springs-but for sure check out the Broadmoor. I am unsure of your price range-it is a 5 star resort but it is a place to relax and be pampered. You never said what general area nat would be-so that makes it a bit harder to throw ideas at you. You said within a 4 hour drive. I have lived in Boulder for 10 years-so I know a bit about the state. I do prefer Telluride over Aspen. They are both beautiful though. Telluride is raw beauty and a fun town with an intenational film festival. there are festivals all summer there. Aspen is fluffy with high end boutiques-it is what you would expect it to be.

Peublo is a cowboy town-blue collar with not much going on downtown. Not close to the mountains-hot and dry and a bit industrial. It is a steel town. That is great if that is what you are looking for-but I have a feeling it is not. I know it is tough with kids-yours are a bit older than mine and need certain things. Great Sand Dunes is cool-wierd and crazy and cool. If you ARE going to be around the Denver area-Water World is the biggest water park in the US-and kicks a$@. Not much going on in Denver-being from the Boston Area you would be bored silly there. White water rafing is WAY fun with boys. Depends on when you will be here though. Colorado has some great places-even if you are not a mountain girl. I have never been to Comanche. I am going to ask around today to some of my “outdoor friends” to see if any of them have been and what is around it. Seriously-if you can-say what area is your base for nat and that will make things easier.

Oh-I do not mean to be so “annon” I am just a big fan of your book-I have a 7 year old with autism who has an 8 year old brother. I usually do not comment much. I imagine it could get creepy when strangers throw comments at you and tell you what you should and should not do.

Amy in CO

— added by Anonymous on Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 11:03 am

oh-and if you stay in Colorado Springs-there is a great morrocan restaurant there- Mataam Fez that has belly dance and really good food. it is like a circus experience. there used to be one here in Boulder but is closed to make way for 2 million $ condos downtown. I was bummed for months. It had been in Boulder for like 30 years. the dancers can be a bit aggressive at times though. you walk in a sit on plush pillows and eat with your hands-well you know the drill.


— added by Anonymous on Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 11:41 am

This is so great. Thanks for this info, and if you think of anything else, don’t hesitate. You are the good kind of Anon, don’t worry!
That restaurant sounds so great! I want to go there, and I will.

— added by Susan Senator on Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 11:44 am

no problem-I forgot to ask when your trip is. I am also wondering what appeals to you about Comanche. Is it the dinosaur stuff?


— added by Anonymous on Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 3:17 pm