Susan's Blog

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Zill Life with Book, Coffee, Puzzle, and Precious

Behold, the elements of a good Sunday: NYTimes crossword, unmarred by wrong answers; a brand new bound-to-be-good Anita Shreve; plenty of Peet’s decaf with foamy nonfat milk; Precious, filled up with my new book idea; and my zills, for dancing later. In the background, Beastie munches on an apple and peanut butter, so there’s nachas for his good lunch. Max, Ned, and Nat are on a walk, so Ned will be happy because he’s been looking for ways to do more with the boys. He’s already done two blog posts and the taxes, so I know he’s in a good mood.

We went out to dinner last night at our all-time favorite restaurant: Pho Republique, in the South End. I sat at the bar and waited for Ned to park while the gorgeous bartender offered to “keep me company.” He mixed up a Red Splendor for me: pomegranate and cranberry, I think, with sugar on the rim. He asked me if I wanted extra sugar and I may have blushed in happiness. Ned and I shared chicken-and-ginger dumplings and tuna tartare springrolls. I had Pad Thai, which I don’t think I’ve eaten in about 5 Atkins years. The thing I forgot about carbs: they really fill you up fast! So I couldn’t even finish my plate, not at all how I was raised!

This morning, I worked out for an hour, and it was so intense that I think I may have slipped into kind of a buzz, or meditative state. After 40 minutes stairmaster and running, I did all this resistance stuff and stretching. I could only hear my music, and I had the opportunity to practice my bellydance moves in one of the studios, where there were mirrors on all sides. I was not thinking of anything, which is new for me, just moving and feeling and looking. I had so much energy, and I found I did not mind the discomfort of the physical work-out. I felt strong and healthy. Must be the carbs.


Wooooot! Go, you! -Tina G in MN-just saying that because I love knowing where others are from

— added by Anonymous on Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 8:21 pm

Sounds wonderful. 🙂 Happy, happy Sunday…

— added by Judith U. on Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 10:26 pm