Susan's Blog

Monday, May 4, 2009

I Love

The heavy green outside my window
Nat turning it around and having a great weekend, after the painful outburst Saturday morning.
Nat’s success at Papa Gino’s
Nat’s bright blond hair
Max being designated a National Merit Scholar
Max winning a history essay award
Making anime costumes with Max
Max’s ability to have a deep and loving commitment to Hannah
Hannah’s sweetness, and her being almost like a daughter to me
Ben being extremely interested and memorizing and synthesizing and thinking critically about every unit he covers in social studies (from Mesopotamia, to Egypt, to Greece, to India, to the ancient Hebrews…) and making cartoons about it
Baby Bellies who want to tell me all about their spring vacations before dance class
Baby Bellies who hug for no apparent reason
Baby Bellies making their own dance routines for our June recital
My new bellydance class for the elderly at the Brookline Senior Center…coming soon
Getting three requests to give talks to autism parents
Reading just about anything by Jay McInerney and that he has my novel manuscript right now
New bellydance teacher starting tomorrow
Local elections, tomorrow, May 5, in Brookline, and post-election parties (getting my political fix sated)
My orthotics


THE Jay McInerney has your manuscript right now?! {{swoon}} I would not be able to sleep, or write, or breathe knowing this. I’m reading “How It Ended” now and loving every minute.

— added by Melissa (Betty and Boo's Mommy) on Monday, May 4, 2009 at 9:15 pm

Hi there,
He has the MS but I truly do not know if he will look at it or just toss it! He was kind enough to let me send it to him. I am almost done with “How it Ended,” too!! My favorite of his was “The Good Life.” –SLS

— added by Susan Senator on Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 12:19 pm

Congrats to Max, that’s quite an achievement! You must be very proud. 🙂

— added by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 2:56 pm