I remade these dresses so I could use them for our trip to Paris this summer… for our 25th wedding anniversary! We’re bringing Max and Ben, and Nat will go to the Extreme Sports Camp in Colorado. Probably the best solution all around. The dresses might help me overcome my guilt over not taking Nat…

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The dresses are nice and you look beautiful. I hope you can get over the guilt and enjoy your trip. It’s always a tough decision(to take or not to take a child) but sometimes you have to do something for yourself. I’m sure Nat will have a great time at camp. Be gentle with yourself Susan.
Those are fabulous dresses! I want them!
You look smashing in red. Let the guilt go. Nat will have an awesome time at camp, and you will have an awesome time in PARIS!!
You look fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!I love those dresses, they are perfect for you and for a trip to Paris. You will be turning heads! I’ve only been there once, when I was 20, but I loved it and have always wanted to return. We are celebrating our 25th this year as well and wanted to take a trip somewhere but its looking like thats not gonna happen:( Maybe just an overnighter to St Augustine. I’m excited for you all!
You look beautiful in those dresses. It is great that you are going to Paris, such an exciting thing to look foward to. And Nat will very likely be happier in the camp than he would be on that trip, yes? I’d bet on it.
I’m happy too to read that you are opening to learning about Chakras, and with a Yoga teacher no less! Good stuff from my view.
Em’s Mom
tu es jolie