Susan's Blog

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Please Take Action

To my readers,
I am thinking of organizing a March on DC to restore the proposed cuts to the budget.  I don’t know how to do that, but I want to gather all concerned parents and citizens to protest these cuts.
This week, Congress could cut a deal on the budget. And if Republicans get their way, billions will be cut from programs that millions of Americans count on – while tax cuts for the richest are protected.

But most people don’t have any idea what’s at stake – and how devastating these cuts would be to their communities – even though the cuts could take effect within weeks. So to help sound the alarm, MoveOn pulled together a list of the top 10 worst things about the Republican budget.  By the way, one item that should have made the list:  billions to be cut from Medicaid, which is the only program for many many developmentally disabled adults that will give them something to do with their days, as well as live-in help to enable them to avoid nursing homes, institutions!!

Check it out here.

It’s really awful. Share with anyone you can to help get the word out and stop this terrible plan.


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