Susan's Blog

Friday, December 6, 2013

Nat’s holiday party

Here is the agenda for Nat’s holiday party.  I just got from Nat’s house manager, in regard to the holidays. My heart is just brimming with thankfulness.

(Of course they asked if we wanted to do a Chanukah activity, but I declined because it’s already over! But — I will contribute blue and silver decorations!)

Appetizers– as people arrive
Toast to the guys and the home
Dinner buffet style at beginning part of the party
Standing up the Tree
The guys will decorate their tree on Monday Night, I feel this will leave room for us to do the other activities but also provide them a time to decorate the tree the way they would like it without too many people in the house.
Ginger bread/craft activity graciously provided by M’s family
Yankee swap for anyone who would like to participate
The Yankee swap is a $10 limit, please bring a gift that could work for either Gender, the guys will participate in the same Yankee swap as all of us.  For Small children would not be doing the Yankee swap please get back to me with a head count of who is joining the group.  There will be a small gift under the tree for each of them to unwrap as well.

Below I have listed the food that we will have and ask that if there is anything you would like to sign up for to contribute it would be appreciated, and if there’s anything else you want to bring that I did not list please feel free to message me back what you will bring.

Veggie Platter
Cheese, crackers and pepperoni
Tortillas and salsa
Sparkling grape juice

Main course
Ham/Pineapple and Cherries-  Holly
Mashed potatoes
Green bean Casserole
Corn, Candy Carrots, Spinach- Holly

Others: ???

We are really looking forward to celebrating the holidays in our new home!

How’s that for a lovely holiday party?


Sounds like so much fun and I bet the guys will be doing as much of it as they can themselves. Love that they will have the time and space to decorate their tree together quietly without a lot of people around, really starting to create traditions of their own. All of your hard work, in creating this space for Nat and his friends is paying off. Congratulations!

— added by Michele on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 6:56 am

Thank you, Michele. I think you would really love this group.

— added by Susan Senator on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 7:51 am

We are in the middle of making the decision to (most-likely) send my daughter to an alternate living location. My heart is just breaking over the decision and Sunday said you would be a great resource because you’ve already made it through, so great to see such a positive post.

— added by Jessica on Sunday, December 8, 2013 at 12:49 pm